Marley prides itself on playing an active role in creating a sustainable future for New Zealanders. We manufacture long lasting, highly durable products and systems to help maximise the lifecycle of our built environment and we operate responsibly with respect to the environment.
ISO 14001 and Environmental Policy

Marley New Zealand was the first plastics manufacturer in New Zealand to attain ISO 14001 certification back in 2004 and as part of our ongoing commitment to environmental management continually monitor energy and resource usage with an aim of minimising our impact on the natural environment.

We were also one of the first to achieve Best Environmental Practice certification for our PVC products and systems which recognises a ‘cradle to cradle’ approach in regard to the sourcing, manufacture and end of life disposal of PVC building products. The New Zealand Green Building Council’s Greenstar rating system for Commercial buildings recognises PVC manufacturers with BEP accreditation and provides credits for their use. Read more here.

We have a goal to reach 100% renewable electricity by 2025 with the help of Meridian Energy’s Certified Renewable Energy programme. Read more here.