Effluent pipes are specifically designed and installed as an above ground pipeline system to effectively and economically get dairy shed effluent out into the pasture.
- Performance – Effluent pipes are manufactured from medium density polyethylene (MDPE) and are tested in accordance to AS/NZS 4130.
- V. Resistance – Effluent pipes can be installed for above and below ground applications due to the excellent pipe U.V. stability resistance.
- Pressure Rating – Effluent pipes are pressure rated at a maximum operating pressure of 8 bar, PN 8 at 20° Celsius.
- Elevated Temperatures – When the pipeline operates in elevated temperatures, the pressure rating must be de-rated. Also, where the temperature fluctuates, the pipe system must be designed to allow for stress experienced by alternating expansion and contraction.
- Product Range and Codes – Effluent pipes are available in 75 and 90mm outside diameter and coil lengths of 50 and 100m. Effluent; Irrigator drag hose is available in 57 and 63mm outside diameter sizes (OD).
- Irrigator Drag Hosefitting Compatibility – Effluent pipes are compatible with a comprehensive range of camlock fittings and Philmac compression fittings.